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Parallel sessions
Parallel sessions
Cer-Lyn Luhasaar avatar
Written by Cer-Lyn Luhasaar
Updated over a week ago

ℹ️ Overview

Parallel sessions allow the organizer to add presentations and activities to the program that take place at the same time. Concurrent sessions save valuable time by providing participants with an even wider range of presentations from which to choose the most integrative topics. Parallel sessions also allow making breakout sessions, where the organizer can group participants into different video meetings.

⚙️ Setting up parallel sessions

Creating parallel sessions is also done under the "AGENDA" module in the admin view.

  • In order to create parallel sessions, the elements themselves must already be created.

  • Elements must also have some time overlap. This means that elements that occur at completely separate times cannot be combined into a parallel session.

  • To remove an item from a session, click the “…” button on the side > “Detach from parallel session”.

  • There are no numerical restrictions on parallel sessions.

  • In the participant view, parallel sessions are displayed in the same order they are created in the admin.

  1. On the right side of the finished element, click the “…” button > “Create parallel session”. The name "Parallel session" appears next to the element, which can be renamed according to the topic, e.g. "Circular Economy", "Impact of Technology", etc.

  2. To add an element to the session, click on the selected element and drag it to the desired location below the session.

NB! To avoid a mistake →

When creating parallel sessions, elements with the same starting time should be added as separate parallel sessions. When adding the elements under the same session, only one parallel session is created and the elements will be displayed sequentially nevertheless.

🖥 Displaying parallel sessions in agenda

  1. There are two options for displaying parallel sessions under the “CONTROLS” module:

  • Sequential - all sessions are visible under each other at the same time.

  • As columns (recommended) - sessions are separated by columns. One selected session is shown at a time.

    • To move between different sessions, one must click on the title of the desired session, after which a new column will appear with the presentations of the selected session.

    • The track area shows the start and end time of the parallel session.

2. There is also an option in the session display design, which can be found in the “CONTROLS” module > “Premium features”:

  • When “Timeline design” is turned on, the white background behind the element's presentation information disappears, and instead the same design as the non-session agenda elements have is displayed.

Parallel sessions displayed as columns

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