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Feedback enforcer
Cer-Lyn Luhasaar avatar
Written by Cer-Lyn Luhasaar
Updated over a week ago

ℹ️ Overview

If the organizer has included a feedback form in the event-based task area, it could be sometimes overlooked by the participants. To raise the amount of completed forms, Worksup has created a feature that helps to remind the participants to fill out the feedback.

When activating feedback enforcer, a reminder notification will pop-up every 30 minutes, prompting participants to fill out the feedback form, until done. In this way, the feedback is constantly being reminded for the participants and the probability they fill out the form is much higher.

The notification in participant view

⚙️ Activating the feature

To activate the feedback enforcer feature, go to "TASKS" module > and enable the "Enable feedback enforcer" button.

  • The feature will start working immediately after activation. This means that the enforcer should be activated towards the end of the event when the participants have had the chance to gather their emotions. Otherwise, the reminder notification will pop up every 30 minutes throughout the entire event.

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