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Expo booth visits report
Cer-Lyn Luhasaar avatar
Written by Cer-Lyn Luhasaar
Updated over a week ago

ℹ️ Overview

If the expo is enabled, the detailed interactivity and pageview report also includes expo booth visits report. This allows the organizer to share attendance information with their event exhibitors. Expo booth visits report consists of three parts- expo booth visits, expo booth visitors and expo booth chat analysis.

πŸ“ˆ Expo booth visits

This part of the analysis shows how many times a particular exhibitor's booth was visited/opened and how many different users had done so.

πŸ‘₯ Expo booth visitors

This part shows which event participant has visited which expo booths and how many times the attendee has done so. For example, if it is seen that one of the participants has shown great interest in an exhibitor (opened many times), the exhibitor can contact them for mutual cooperation (if interested).

πŸ’¬ Expo booth chat analysis

The chat analysis section of the report shows both the expo partner's own activity and the number of times a participant made contact with the exhibitor. In general, it is worthwhile for the partner to actively connect with the participants in order to achieve better results. Conversation analytics track the activity of the exhibitor's contact person's profile.

  • Incoming accepted: messages sent by the participant that have been received by the contact person of the exhibitor.

  • Incoming pending: messages sent by the participant that have been put on hold by the contact person of the exhibitor.

  • Incoming rejected: messages sent by the participant that have been rejected by the contact person of the exhibitor.

  • Incoming cancelled: messages sent by the participant that have been cancelled.

  • Total incoming: total number of messages sent by the participant to the contact person of the exhibitor.

  • Outgoing accepted: messages sent by the exhibitor's contact person, and received by the participant.

  • Outgoing pending: messages sent by the exhibitor's contact person, and put on hold by the participant.

  • Outgoing rejected: messages sent by the exhibitor's contact person, and rejected by the participant.

  • Outgoing cancelled: messages sent by the exhibitor's contact person that have been cancelled.

  • Total outgoing: total number of messages sent by the contact person of the exhibitor to participants.

  • Total incoming + outgoing: a total number of outgoing and incoming messages.

πŸ–‡ Related features

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