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Event menu
Cer-Lyn Luhasaar avatar
Written by Cer-Lyn Luhasaar
Updated over a week ago

ℹ️ Overview

Each Worksup event has its own menu, located in the top left of the event view. It includes six elements:

  1. Notifications

    • This area allows the participant to switch event notifications on/off. Notifications include chat email notifications and push notifications. You can read more about notifications →here←.

  2. Support Chat

    • Support chat is a conversation between the participant and the organizer, where the participant can ask questions or share concerns. Chats appear in the "Chat" area of ​​the organizer's admin environment.

  3. Language

    • In the language area, the participant can choose which language he/she wants to display in his event. It is worth noting that only the fixed elements in the application will change. This means that texts in (for example) Estonian, entered by the organizer, are not automatically translated. You can read more about languages →here←.

  4. Export to calendar

    • Allows the participant to export the event into his/her calendar as a reminder.

  5. Close event

    • Directs the participant out of the event immediately.

  6. About this platform

    • Directs the participant to Worksup website's landing page.

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