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Push notifications
Cer-Lyn Luhasaar avatar
Written by Cer-Lyn Luhasaar
Updated over a week ago

ℹ️ Overview

Push notifications are small, pop-up messages we send to a user’s device that appear even when the app isn't open. Push notifications are a powerful communication channel that can reach event participants anytime, whether or not they are currently in the event, to capture their attention and reengage them.

🤔 How do they work?

If the user's browser/device supports push notifications, they will be asked to grant access to send the notifications once the participant has reached either "Announcements" or "Private chat" view.

  • Access request of announcements:

  • Access request of private chat: "Don't miss important contact requests and messages! Allow us to send you notifications on your device?"

After clicking "OK", the browser/device dialog opens, asking you to either "Allow" or "Block" the notifications.

Now each time the organizer publishes a new announcement or there is an update in any of your privet chats, a push notification will appear in the corner of your device. If you click on the notification, you will be taked to the announcement/ chat view.

It is worth remembering that announcement push notifications are always shown regardless of whether the application is currently open or not, but private chat notifications are shown only if the user is not currently on the chat page.

🔔Notifications' menu

From the hamburger menu in top left corner, you can find the menu to manage notifications' settings →.

By default only the email notifications of private chat is turned on. To enable push notifications you will have to:

  1. Click on "Enable push notifications"

    1. NB! If you already rejected push notifications on your device, instructional alert is displayed.

  2. Give access to your browser.

    After granting access, push notifications for announcements and private chat will be automatically turned on.

    You can turn the notifications on/off by your liking (white=on/ black=off).

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