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Form builder for gates
Cer-Lyn Luhasaar avatar
Written by Cer-Lyn Luhasaar
Updated over a week ago

ℹ️ Overview

With open-registration access and data collecting gates, it is possibile to setup a custom form for registration gates. By default, the gate form is made in a way to ask the participant for name, position, and organization upon registration. Now, however, there is an opportunity to use the form builder, with which the organizer can create questions that suit him/her the best and also personalize them accordingly.

⚙️ How to use the form builder?

The form can be created either with open-registration access gate (read here) or with data collection gate (read here). When selecting the type of gate in the "GATE" module, the option to create a form is placed last.

  1. First, choose your data fields by clicking on the "..." button. You can choose from options listed below:

    1. Radiogroup- one answer question

    2. Checkbox- multiple answer question

    3. Dropdown menu

    4. Switch- choose one or another (eg. yes or no)

    5. Single-Line Text

    6. Multiple-Line text

    7. Full Name

    8. First and Last Name

    9. Position

    10. Organization

    11. Attendance mode

    12. LinkedIn profile URL

    13. Country

  2. Questions have separate options for duplicating, changing settings, marking the questions "required" and also deleting.

  3. Under settings, you will find general settings, logic, layout, data, and validation.

    1. General: this part may vary from question to question, but the principle remains the same for all questions.

      1. by assigning the same IDs to questions, they will appear as a group under the same column in the analytics results.

      2. Label

      3. Description

      4. Placeholder- placeholder texts displayed in gray in text boxes.

      5. Required/ read-only/ show the comment area (only radiogroup, checkbox and dropdown).

    2. Logic:

      1. Visible if- a condition by which the question is visible.

      2. Editable if- the question is visible, but can only be edited under this condition. Other if fields work on the same principle as shown below ↓. You can put together a conditional statement, where the first area shows what the condition is aimed at, and the second area shows a condition that you can define yourself. The condition (orange) can be selected from the list, as well as the aimed question (blue).

      3. Required if- an answer to the question is required only under this condition.

      4. Default value expression- automatic default value of the field. Math functions can also be used here by using the ID of the question(you can find it in the upper right corner by clicking on the question settings). For example, you are hosting a health conference and at the registration gate you have a desire to make a "calculator" for calculating the body mass index, where the BMI is automatically displayed in the answer box (Your BMI). Then it would look something like this:

    3. Layout:

      1. Display the question on a new line- by removing the check mark, the question will be on the same line with the previous question. As a result there are two columns.

      2. Title location- option to choose whether the title is displayed at the top, bottom, left or if it's hidden. "Inherited" means that the layout is subject to the same rules that are assigned to questions in the general settings (read more in point four).

      3. Description location- same rules apply as for title location.

      4. Add indents

      5. Input size- maximum number of characters entered.

      6. Column count

    4. Data: a default response that will be saved if the question is left unanswered.

    5. Validators:

      1. "Required" error message- message that is displayed if a required field is not filled.

      2. Validators- allows the attendee to enter only a specific format. Example: if the organizer wants to know the personal identification number of the participant, it can be determined through validation with a regular expression. If the entered answer is equivalent to the expression, the participant input is correct (e.g the regular expression for the Estonian personal identification number →).

  4. The form also contains general setting that apply to all questions (these settings can be overwritten separately under a specific question). These can be accessed from the settings button at the top of the form (shown below). There are two categories in the general settings: questions and logic.

    1. Questions:

      1. Question title location

      2. Question description location

      3. Required symbols- a symbol to display for required fields.

      4. Error message location

      5. Element order on the page- the order of the questions.

      6. Maximum answer lenght

      7. Maximum comment lenght- maximum number of characters for "other" responses (radiogroup, checkbox and dropdown only).

    2. Logic:

      1. Calculated values- similar to the previously described "Default value expression". Allows questions with the same ID to be assigned a specific answer value using mathematical functions.

      2. Triggers- allows to build special conditions similar to the logic of questions. For example: if the participant has answered "no" to question A, automatically move them to question C and skip B. There are many different conditions that can be created (if creating a condition seems difficult, be sure to contact our helpful customer support!).

🎥 Video example of easier use of the form

🖇 Related features

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